Every Vietnamese child dreams of an amazing Tết Trung Thu with his or her own brightly lit lantern and a belly full of mooncakes. Tết Trung Thu or Mid-autumn Festival, is also known as the “Children’s Festival” in Vietnam. This year, the Mid-autumn Festival was celebrated on 25 September at “Little Switzerland” in Elsene (Brussels).

We were able to set up a stand there and sell coffee and tea, among other things. We earned over €200.

With previous donations, we have a budget of around 600 € available. With that, we started supporting two children for a year from October with a contribution of 20 € per child per month.

These two children are sister (8 yrs) and brother (6 yrs) who lost their father in a road accident. Their mother left them with the grandmother. Who, meanwhile, had already sold her house to pay all hospital expenses in an attempt to save the children’s father’s life, but without success. Today, a relative is giving them shelter.

We singled them out and we lend a hand to the grandmother and these two children to stay in school and support them a little in their daily lives.

So for them also a little Tết Trung Thu this year.

Thank you all for your help and support!

Van Anh (big sister 8 years old) and Tuan Phong (little brother 6 years old).

100.00 vnd, which is about €40 for both children. Friends for Vietnamese kids in Elsene.